Monday, July 03, 2006

World History Pt 1 finally done... but...

Phew... *stretching arms, neck, back and legs* From the hominids to the discovery of the Americas - in 3 weeks... A-M-A-Z-I-N-G....

I'm impressed with my accomplishment - if I pass this course. Squeezing 15 topics into 3 weeks and writing essays for these topics is really almost an impossible task, unless one had had some background with it, and has a good understanding of English. I had to refer to the dictionary for some terms used, and sometimes have to even repeat a paragraph a couple of times just to understand a point.

I don't deny one really must have the willpower and determination to just complete Acevedo's class - not pass, complete. Within 2 weeks, half of the class dropped out. By the end of the last paper, i think only a third of the class is left - those who doesn't give up easily without fighting back.

I just hope those of us to persevered will pass the paper so as not to waste the $400+ we paid for.

Results only will be out next week. *fingers crossed*

ps: note to Berklee students: if you are taking World History in Roxbury, avoid "Acevedo" at all cost, unless you really want to learn history

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